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Le Fan Fan, 2011, video installation. Aluminum, vinyl, paper & bone fan, tassel, fan-shaped video projection, 9'09.
Inspired by a 1980's Chinese Soap Opera, Baker has assembled a cast and crew to reinterpret Wuxia legend, Chu Liu Xiang, a mythical gentleman who is infamous for both his irresistible good looks and his ability to dispatch enemies with his folding hand fan.
Fan made by Sylvain Le Guen.

Tai Chi Fan Form Introduction, 2011, video 3 min 30'.
Made in Taiwan, the music is the theme song for Chu Liu Xiang, a popular legend that has been recreated several times in traditional Chinese television soap operas. Chu Liu Xiang is a gorgeous man who fights evil with a hand fan, as depicted in the above Le Fan Fan.

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